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Diana Bagrationi Foundation


All of the proceeds go directly to hospitals, such as Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, that are dedicated to providing treatment to pediatric patients in the US and abroad.

About Me

Diana Bagrationi Kourtei

Diana Bagrationi, founder of the Diana Bagrationi Foundation, is a Georgian royal and philanthropist. Driven by her personal journey as a cancer survivor, she strives to support families with children that suffer from life threatening illnesses. Through charitable events and fundraisers, the organization is able to direct those funds towards medical centers that provide vital assistance to pediatric cancer patients from underprivileged backgrounds in the United States and abroad.

Letter From The President

The twenty-first century is not much different from earlier eras as far as the need for charitable deeds is concerned. There are still many people around the globe who face extraordinary challenges; were it not for the help of caring and generous souls, many of them could find themselves on the verge of death.


These circumstances pertain especially to children, who are the most vulnerable to said challenges. Vulnerable children live not only in third-world countries, but in developed countries as well. Sometimes they are so close that one can actually feel their pain.


For years I personally helped those in need, to the extent that I was able as an individual; with the establishment of the Diana Bagrationi Foundation, my long-time dedication to charitable work was finally formalized within a legal, corporate framework.


I initially desired to establish this foundation in hopes that our duties to the Lord and His children could be fulfilled more effectively and efficiently. Fortunately, many friends and other individuals have supported me and contributed their precious time and energy to making a difference in the lives of people whom they do not even know.


I hope that you will share our vision and join us in creating a better tomorrow for at least one person in desperate need. This, our vision, is guided by the words of Christ: "Whoever receives one small child in My name also receives Me" (Matthew 18:5).


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